A few days ego I decided to change the appearance on my email signature and add a link to my professional social network profile - LinkedIn - in a form of clickable image.
I was surprised when I realized that it is not really straightforward as it should be. All what Outlook is offering for signature design is an options to add just image or hyperlink with text. I searched Google and found a few posts with solutions - non of which works in my case for some reason, probably due to the fact that I have 64 bit laptop with Windows 7 on it .
It was bugging me for a couple of days and, finally, yesterday, I was able to resolve this issue and build my ideal email signature:
Here is a detail instruction how to do it.
- Open Outlook and create your signature: Tools-Options-Mail format-Signatures-New
- Add all information which you have planned for your signature. Please note – If you want to have a clickable email address, you can do it by using "Insert Hyperlink" icon:
- Now your signature looks similar to this one:
- Before we go to the final steps, we need to get a LinkedIn icon. To get them you have to login to your LinkedIn account-Profile-Change public profile settings-customized buttons.Download any icon you like and save it locally, on your PC.
- Click "Picture" icon and navigate to the saved .png file which you just downloaded and click OK
- Save your signature and close Outlook. Just remember what name you assigned to it – in my case I used "Test"
- What we have right now is not what we want because the image is just an image and does not have hyperlink capability. Let's fix it
- We have to locate a source-file which Outlook use for this signature. In my case, all of my signature files located in the next folder:"C:\Users\AlexStar\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Signatures". If you not sure, just search for "Signatures" folder and select the one created for your User account.
- As you can see, Outlook created three files and one folder with the name similar to your signature name:
- We just need to modify two files: YourSignatureName.htm and YourSignatureName.rtf First let's change .htm file.
- Open YourSignatureName.thm file in the text editor (In my case I use Notepad++) . As you can see, Outlook created a lot of comments which you can easily erase
- Locate the line with a link to your image. In my case, it was this one:
<img border=0 width=80 height=15 src="Test_files/image001.gif" v:shapes="_x0000_i1025">
- Change it to the following:<a href="your linkedin public profile URL"><img border=0 width=80 height=15 src=" Test_files/image001.gif " v:shapes="_x0000_i1025"></a>
- Save .htm file
- Go back to the "Signatures" folder and double click on your modified .htm file – it should be opened in the default browser
- Make sure that your linkedin image hyperlink works. Now copy all the text right from the browser window
- Double click on the .rtf file – you should see your signature information opened in the MS Word
- Overwrite all information in the .rtf file with the one you copied from the browser
- Save .rtf file
- Your custom signature is ready.
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